Record Your
Cover Song in Singapore!

cool grandma
cool gen z

Live your dreams of becoming a star!

 Record Your Cover Song in 10 Singing Lessons* with Yuan Meng (YES!DREAM)

Evoke powerful emotions and create lasting memories

happy customer

Recording a Cover Song is for Everyone!

mother and daughter

Experience a unique musical journey for your child

Happy Kid
pretty gen z

 Find Your Inner Voice and Feel Unreal to Hear Your Cover Songs!

Create Lasting Memories with Your Friends

best friends
group of k pop boys
best friend message
family bonding
social loves and likes
wedding memories

Sing Your Wedding Songs!

Unleash your inner voice and create unforgettable memories with Yuan Meng Asia! Our expert online coaches guide singers of all ages and skill levels on their musical journey. Imagine the thrill of recording your song in our state-of-the-art Singapore studio!

Capture life's special moments – sing for your wedding, celebrate friendships, or simply experience the joy of hearing your own voice shine. For children, it's the perfect launchpad for a lifelong love of music. Start your musical adventure today!